Sunday, 26 February 2012

First Impressions Count

The first impression is important and no matter what anyone says that they hold, no matter how fair or unfair impressions are these initials, people and products alike are usually evaluated within 5 seconds. So, you want to make sure that you give the appearance that you want to be perceived.

If you walk into a job interview or to appear at the place where the dress code is formal, in some jogging bottoms and a t-shirt that you normally shop around your house, to be comfortable, you're probably going to get judged as someone who does not mind and lazy and will not end up getting a job. If you walked in wearing a smart shirt and black pants you will be judged as someone who is ready and serious about getting the said job. This impression is the same with it, including businesses. It works in both directions. If a person shows up in smart clothes for job interviews come to dirty and untidy establishment may be considered as well.

Having the right kind of atmosphere in the restaurant is very important. When people decide where they want to go to lunch they have to think about what you want. Of course, the first thing to consider is what type of food options are fancy, but the next thing they think about is what kind of place they want to go and what type of people who will be there. The quiet, loud, child friendly, etc., which shows where the guy people go to the ambience created by the restaurant's furniture and music. Everything links together give a certain feeling. Persons eating places are drastically changed over the years due to the amount of interior designs and items available for purchase to make your place look amazing!

Restaurants have been around since the 18th century and one of the venues know that people never tire of going. Everyone loves to eat and socialize so what better place to go when you need a good catch up with some friends or family?

If you want to change the look of your restaurant or even to predict changes in the interior to reflect the new ideas in your head, you should do it. This could increase the amount of people who venture into your restaurant. Even a change of chair and table can make all the difference. Restaurant furniture is almost as important as the food we serve, and this will be one of the factors that affect customers and the judge to determine whether or not they want to return in the future.

Branching Out From the Back Kitchen

Working in the kitchen can be a very stressful job and certainly not for the faint of heart. I am sure that all cooks out there will know that this is true it is not surprising that many swear! Have you ever thought about the ramifications of your own? Scary thought, but it could be the best I've ever done.

When I first started looking at what the kitchen staff to use day-to-day I came across words like molecular gastronomy and mandolins, and had no idea where to start, but after you have researched what they actually serve to You will be able to pick it up in no time, especially as a professional.

If you enjoy cooking and take part in his place in the house will have a large number of different bits of equipment you use again and again, but after working in the kitchen becomes a whole different ball game, and you'll be surprised at the number of small vessels and their uses. I have worked in the hospitality I and the quantity of different gizmos and gadgets needed in a kitchen is incredible and I do not know how a kitchen can fit everything in a small, stuffy room! One remains the most important factor. You must have good quality equipment that will last in the kitchen, and the same rule will apply to the uniform. Purchase high quality products to begin with you will last in the long run and will save you from having to fork out for new items all the time.

Recently, I was thinking of opening my own mobile catering business, which will obviously require much less equipment, but I'm grateful to have the knowledge to know what I need, and if you want a true experience of cooking, cooking utensils and equipment there is no better place than the warm kitchen!

If you work in the kitchen or even if you do not, but fancy a change of direction in the hospitality industry for new and exciting career then you May want to start your own business. Why not? The recession is said to be the best time to put on her since it is not so much to lose, so go for it! Before, however, do not take my advice and get all the information you can, because the kitchen is a place where if you forgot one small thing can lead to disaster! Take a good look at a range of catering equipment available and how to use your work. If you have everything you need, you are fully prepared to give it your best shot.

Makes Business Life Easier

When you are in the hospitality business, you know that all you can do to make life simpler and easier for yourself, your staff and your customers are worth doing. One of the advantages of modern technology is that now there are a number of catering software that really help your business run more smoothly than ever before. Once you try the options available to you, there will be no return.

One of the technological advances can be taken into consideration in your business is the use of mobile handheld terminals for staff who orders the tables below. If you're in the hospitality business, you know how important it is to determine the process to be effective. Hand written orders are no longer the most effective way to meet the needs of its customers. Fortunately, one of the advantages of catering software that your employees do not have to use pen and paper. The mobile handheld terminals to increase the accuracy of orders by your staff and they also play a big role in helping to grow your business. Since the ordering process is so efficient and accurate, your wait staff will have more time to focus on customer service. Instead of going back and forth to the kitchen with orders, your staff members will be right there in the restaurant when users want more drinks. Those who have invested in the latest hospitality software, they found that their drink orders increased substantially. Of course, it has a great flow-on effect in increasing the turnover of your business and your profits.

However, catering software can even do more than accelerate the process of ordering and increase their beverage sales. It can also be used for various other purposes, including collection and processing of data on each sale, giving the owner a lot of accurate data that can be used when you want to look at the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Customer loyalty programs are something that could be taken into account. The software can help you compare the details of their regular customers, so you can make them feel special and offer them special deals. Stock control software is another feature that many people in the restaurant business find useful. Although active stock control system may take some time to work, it will only do it once and use will begin effective immediately.

The key to making the most modern technology available to those in the hospitality industry to make sure that you and your staff are fully trained in all aspects of the various options.

How to Create an Inviting Beer Garden

It's that time of year again where you have to start thinking about your garden for the summer. Here are some ideas:

First Outside the gardens are areas

First and foremost, a garden connected with the pub, bar or restaurant should feel like a garden, not in the internal space. Many owners try to keep interior finish out that defeats the purpose of the Garden atmosphere. The garden should have external features such as stone and brick and furniture should look like furniture. On my travels I found many beer gardens with wood and fabric covered metal bar stools - they are trying to look indoors. Instead, try to accept an open garden atmosphere, working with a variety of materials and finishes that are available to transform a bland space into an exciting experience Alfresco.

Second STYLE

Decide on your style or theme, and then do some research.

Look at the buildings and walls - are there any existing features that may dictate the style or that can be decorated?

Keep a running theme from inside to outside - for example, if you have an art deco interior and then try to incorporate Art Deco statues, tiles or lights off than to be general garden. Similarly, if a traditional pub with a lot of bric-a-Brac then carry external bric-a-Brac channels.

Third TIME

Time considerations

Glare / heat factor: the use of canopies, planting or colored glass to diffuse.

Wind: using wind breakers. Everything can be designed to reduce the wind factor - Willow fences, metal or wood frames with glass or canvas wind breaker. Recently I designed trellis planter, and since it is on wheels, it is a mobile that worked very well for my client.

When deciding on the position of the seat for your consideration in which direction the wind is coming from.

Rain: Provide adequate coverage for smokers in adverse weather conditions. In especially humid climates, a permanent solution as a fixed glass in wood or glass box will be much more sustainable than the canvas tents. Glass means that the daylight / sun can get through that is important in these hot summer days. If it gets too hot and bright it out blinds can be fitted.


Before any construction is important to know what your local laws. In Ireland, the guidelines for the coverage area is described as a bus shelter where the roof covers an area that has walls that are 50% open and closed 50%.

5th Smokers

Share smokers from nonsmokers, if you have the space.

Opening windows may not be an option as the smoke can be drawn into the interior, and customers do not like this.

Provide ashtrays on the tables and a few buckets of sand from the place where cigarette butts can be taken during cleaning.

6th Ugly areas

Make sure the views are good, and not the bin / trash areas or car parks. Use Screening with plants or wood fencing to hide unsightly areas.


Again use the outdoor elements that suit your style, whether modern or traditional. Lights can be integrated into all kinds of things and places. Try to open ROPE LED lights Skirtings below low or above the wall for a nice warm glow. You can often find a fitting which lights up and down this way receives a double benefit. Choose lighting that will create an atmosphere without giving your customers a headache from the glare. Candles always look fab in the garden is set in a simple glass jam jars, antique bird cages or screens or metal objects. If you have an open bar would glow in the dark with candles and LED strip lights.


Check local laws about it - in many cases, external tape must be placed in free space of smoke or a person serving in the bar will be subjected to smoke inhalation. If you use wood, use or appropriate outdoor teak wood with as little detail as possible, so that water does not collect in its crevices. The use of wood in the open means you have to commit to maintaining it. Being under all weather conditions, which means that the end use must be at the top regularly. Stone counter tops are great because the water flows. Use locks and under counter refrigerator unit for safety. Ensure that a permanent cap over the Bar and the customer, so that the counter can be used in all weather conditions.


Flowers make people laugh and go crazy with them! Use colors to suit your garden on a pallet. It's always good to have several varieties in plantations or pot just in case one of them fail. You can plant flowers in until there are holes for the discharge of water - cans, bicycles, beds ... have a look at these ideas. Ask your plumber to install a sprinkler system to bring the timer is set to feeds running on all your plants and flowers. Can be set to water at night, so that leakage of water will disappear by morning. Change your plants to ivy and small trees such as box hedges in the winter for evergreen look.

I recommend that you hire a designer that takes you through all this. And experts suggest it is worth and can usually agree with the designers and the level they get involved to suit your budget.

The Food Has Arrived

Walking from the food service loading dock to store and seeing potential obstacles can be eye-opening experience. How many bins in the area? What is the temperature? Is the space clean enough to handle the delivery, or there are obstacles on the road? Is the size of delivery so large that it requires double handling? Enough space to store the products delivered? If observations reveal potential problems, the operator will have to change the ordering and equipment package.

In my experience, ordering food is not conjecture or a reactionary process. There should be a couple levels established for all items within the food service. If the work takes everyday products, it is likely that the delivered items are doubled-handled. If the products are given weekly, there is probably enough space to store items properly and challenge the fundamental responsibilities of the rotation first in, first-out inventory.

Purchasing and receiving food were 101 operations. When a lack of understanding of basic orders, operators must work with their procurement staff to educate them on appropriate procedures and ordering food safety requirements. Many distributors of a broad line can help with this training.

Operators need to understand how to use refrigeration and cold storage in order to optimize the movement of product and food safety. There are three basic requirements must be taken into account when considering the cold and dry storage: Which products are stored in which areas, how much stock should be at hand, and how the products are defective in the refrigerator, freezer and dry storage. This will help in determining the capacity of refrigeration and freezer units, and dry storages.

When reviewing the proper storage of food products, operators must know how to solve things. FDA Food handling in the home are three basic processes, which are determined by the number of times a product to pass through the "danger zone" between 41 ° C and 135 ° C:

Process 1: Food Preparation with No Cook Step
Flow Example: Receive - Store - Prepare - Hold - Serve

Process 2: Preparation for same day service
Flow Example: Receive - Store - Prepare - Cook - Hold - Serve

Process 3: Complex food preparation
Flow Example: Receive - Store - Prepare - Cook - Cool - Reheat - Hot Hold - Serve

Depending on the complexity of the cooking process, there May be a need for additional cooling. When operations move more-advanced cooking practices, additional cooling is required. Without this adjustment, deficiencies in food handling escalating.

When upgrading or adding additional cooling, operators should consider an ENERGY STAR ® certified models. Typical savings can be as high as 35 percent in energy, with 1.3 years payback. This information, along with many other energy-saving tips can be accessed at

Food services are changing the ways that produce food and it is the responsibility of the establishment of safe food storage. Given the complexity of advanced cooking process, the need to re-flow of food and durable storage procedures is now a reality.

Candy Machines at Pizza Restaurants

If you own or operate a candy vending machine business you're probably always on the lookout for new places. Taking in high traffic areas is very important to maintain its operations and soon found a new place to have a better chance of getting their machines prior to your competition. There is a wide range of places that are ideal for coffee and candy in one place so you always supposed to be scouting out the pizza. Relaxed and casual, a lot of pizza take-out traffic, and when people are waiting for their pizza makes sense that the mother gumball machines and candy near the counter.

Some restaurants are too high end for the gumball machine and the franchise and chains can not allow one set, but the pizza is usually welcome addition to the candy machine because it brings in a young audience and gives the place a good opportunity to sell more pizza. Casual places are usually the best for the candy machine because these restaurants are more likely to cater for children and young children. If you are able to put candy or gumball machine in a pizza restaurant in the lobby near the take out counter, you can get a lot of traffic passes.

Pizzas can have a sit down area, but the bulk of their business done by removing and selling a slice of pizza. This business model encourages a lot of walk-through traffic between parents and children. When ordering or waiting for parents to inevitably have to keep their children entertained and some changes can freely avoid any meltdowns y kid shows them in the direction of a sweet filled vending machine. If you decide to sit down to eat at the restaurant again, you can monitor your kids entertained while waiting, giving them enough money to try to get certain flavors Gumballs or use the crane machine for toy snatch it up.

Another good reason to scout out pizza in your area that these types of restaurants tend to be good and the owners will usually have more than one place. Once you are the owner can then set aside to place candy vending machines in each of its sites. If business goes well and you May want to add different types of machines like candy gumball machines, and label / tattoo machines. Kids love pizza, and if you want to take advantage of this lucrative market by putting candy into account the candy vending machine at the pizza place near you.

Casino Restaurant Design

"Casino" is a word that originally meant "house", although it has long been associated with pleasure. Casino restaurant designs are carefully designed around the expectations of visitors to the casino to maximize profit potential.

Although the majority of British casinos are 137 matted design and decor, for most people the word "Casino" and remains a distinctive sense of elegance and prestige. Such expectations may be due to the popularity of the fictional James Bond film, whose adventures are spectacular victory at the wheel in the midst of chic luxury casino. Casino featured in the classic James Bond films inspired by the current Grand Casino in Monte Carlo. Ian Fleming's first James Bond novel, Casino Royale, was inspired not only this setting, Monte Carlo, but also in real life millionaire.

Monte Carlo Grand Casino was designed by Charles Garnier, and still retains its graceful air of glamor today. Since its opening in 1878, this structure is known to set the style casinos around the world. Grand Casino is a legend in his time, and its design represented all that the casino should be. However, this is not an original concept to stand the test of time. As Las Vegas and Macao began to rule the world in casinos, Trente et Quaranta and Chemin de Fer faded with dance halls, sophisticated opera houses and ballet schools. In places such as Macau, the new super casino restaurant designs have emerged to take their place in the modern world of casinos.

Blackpool is another example of good casino design. Blackpool first casino was built in 1913, and featured a symbolic design and Indian architectural style. The original casino was replaced by a modern European design that emphasized the stylized fun while prohibiting gambling. Although this new casino is considered sophisticated and respectable, the fact that gambling is not allowed to prevent it from reaching the highest level of success.

British views on the casino restaurant design is flawed by refusing to admit that gambling at this level is all about bright lights and glow. Casino architecture must be exciting. Pretend that future casinos will play fairly commendable role in the regeneration of cities, at best, ridiculous. Manchester is a casino, for example, should not be a decent build curved glass and steel roof.

Casinos have always attracted a wide range of people from around the world. The success of any casino is always depended on the excellent design that provides all the elements customers have come to expect from these facilities. Superior Casino and restaurant design meets or exceeds customer expectations for excitement, glamor and great elegance. Any development of new properties and renovation of existing buildings, the owners should approach the design with care and professionalism.

Restaurant Designs

In today's hectic world, people believe that the demands of work and life conspire to keep them busy away from home. This hectic pace is to make people see food as a rare opportunity to relax and socialize. As more people are looking for both food and entertainment experience from their dining room, dining room took all glamorous and celebratory air. This trend in the restaurant dinner party caterers required to convert the restaurant design professionals who specialize in creating environments that enhance the dining experience.

Providing high-quality food is no longer enough to guarantee the success of a restaurant. While good food and excellent customer service are key factors in encouraging repeat business, the restaurant's interior design is equally important. Dining environment should enable users to enjoy a meal in comfort. Savvy restaurant owners understand that the development of attractive, innovative plan design plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers.

Design of the restaurant sets the stage for the customer experience. Loud music and Formica tables plastic cups to create a completely different atmosphere of soft jazz and linen tablecloths topped with fine china. Carefully considering all aspects of a restaurant environment, owners can develop a successful plan.

Restaurant plan design should strike a balance between inviting atmosphere and high seating capacity. Dining room should be able to seat enough customers to a restaurant is busy and profitable while maintaining an environment that ensures the comfort of guests. Some types of restaurants, such as casual diners, focus will be more reliant on seating capacity. Restaurants offer fine dining place greater focus on the environment.

When planning a layout dining, owners should always take into account the preferences of customers. Most guests do not enjoy sitting near the kitchen, restrooms and front entrance. The tables are in the middle of the dining room are also less popular among the guests. Many of these problem areas can be altered or disguised with the strategic placement of furniture that act as dividers. Before finalizing the design of dining room, take the time to sit in each chair and assess the view from the perspective of a potential buyer.

Music is an important aspect of design, helping to set the tone at the restaurant. Choose music that complements the theme of the restaurant. Hiring a talented musician or group has the potential to draw crowds more effectively than any dinner special. Many modern restaurants have live entertainment on some nights, often on weekends.

Heating and cooling are important reasons for all restaurants. Because of restaurant kitchens produce significant amounts of heat and smoke, proper ventilation is essential to maintain a comfortable environment. Adequate cooling is essential, as the dining room that lacks air conditioning will turn customers during the hot summer months. Maintain good ventilation and temperature, while expensive, is vital for attracting and retaining customers. Skimping in this area will lead to lost sales.

Developing a restaurant design that takes into account all these factors will take time and considerable financial investment. However, renting an experienced, professional designer can lead to high return on investment and years of success.

Tips on How to Start a Restaurant

Running restaurants and other businesses can be a little difficult at first. There will be problems that will be encountered, but do not worry, because this article will give you some tips on how to start a successful restaurant business.

You should remember to take time to plan, because every little detail would be important to achieve success. Here are the steps you should take note of:

First Set a budget for your company - the first step in his plan is to set a budget that you are willing to spend for your business. Let us admit it, starting a restaurant could cost you a lot of money. It would be best to set a budget and learn how to finance their operations. You could get a business partner, or possibly some sponsors who believe in their ideas about the restaurant. Financial problems are very sensitive so before you even start with the rest of the steps, you should first make sure that everything is about money or fund is correct.

Second Select a specialty of his restaurant - After finalizing the budget for the restaurant, you must decide what will be a specialty place. Do you want to run a restaurant that specializes in Chinese cuisine, American, French, Japanese, Greek, or a fusion of everything you want? After deciding on this issue, you will be able to work on other things such as setting out the restaurant and the ambiance of the place. Of course, it is recommended that each element of the coordinated very well.

Third Choose a location for your restaurant - One of the secrets behind the success of the restaurant is a place or location. You should choose a place where you will be able to reach your target audience. It is also very important to take into account the competition in this area. It is not advisable to choose a place where the competition is too stiff and tough especially if you are just starting to make a name for your restaurant.

4th Hire competent people - is also very important to hire competent people who will help run the business. If you decide to start a restaurant that specializes in French cuisine then you need to employ chefs and assistant chefs who specialized in the said kitchen or at least be familiar with it. You owe your clients a great service, great food and ambiance so you should do your best to hire the right people.

5th Come up with marketing strategies - Finally, you should come up with various marketing strategies to attract customers. You can invite celebrities to eat at your place so that people will be more intrigued to try your restaurant.

The food business is one of the most versatile types of businesses that could occur, but the competition is too tough. Many players want to dominate the arena so it is best to come up with a good plan to introduce something new to customers.